Contact Information

The Nowthen Historical Power Association welcomes questions, feedback, or information from its members and patrons on any of our events or projects.  Please feel free to email us through this website or call our hotline and a board member will get back to you shortly regarding your message.

If you have a correction to the website or wish to submit a large group a pictures, please email the webmaster.


Information Hotline Board of Directors 952-253-5774
Feature Tractor Cheri Haberle 651-983-1591
Feature Engine Jim Keenan 763-434-4864
Tractor Pull George Young 763-334-1986
Steam Engines Gene Zopfi 612-860-3928
Flea Market (click for availability) Sam Wetter 320-232-0042
NHPA Membership Paul Wyman, Jr. 952-253-5774
General Show Information Board of Directors 952-253-5774
Camping at Show (FAQ) Tim Brown 612-309-7661
Golf Cart Rentals Paul Wetter 952-451-8852
Antique Cars and Trucks Tim Talbot 612-799-6969


Mailing Address:
PO Box 43
Rogers, MN 55374